Thursday, November 22, 2012

Kinder Writers!!

Our kindergarteners our busy writing notes and books everyday during our exploration time. During our writing workshop I introduced 3 ways of writing...

1. Draw a picture.
2. Curly writing (for those writers who are at very early stage of writing).
3. Book writing.

We also learned to use "bubble gum" writing when we don't know our words.

You can see writers all around the classroom. It is very exciting to see so many writers hidden in different parts of the classroom and getting lots of pictures and cards everyday!

Please do encourage your child write at home, even if in the beginning you see them scribbling (that is our curly writing:)).


Sports Jersey Spirit Day!

Tomorrow at Carleton Heights we are going to show our appreciation for our favourite teams by wearing our team's jerseys! Have your child support their team by wearing their favourite team's T-shirt or jersey!

I am going to cheer for my favourite team!

Go Sens Go!!!

In math...

In math we have been looking at 2D shapes. We are learning to describe our shapes by their properties (sides and points). Ex. A square has 4 equal sides and 4 points. A circle has 1 side and 0 points. We have been using different manipulatives and strategies to define our shapes.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thank You!

It was so nice to see you on Thursday and Friday at our parent teacher interviews! We enjoyed talking with you about your child and appreciate your comments, concerns and positivity. Thank-you for your feedback and I hope we addressed all of your concerns. I know 15 minutes goes by so quickly, if you have any more questions or concerns that we didn’t address, please send me an email so we can make arrangements to discuss them in detail.

Thanks again!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Kindergarteners in Room 8 had a blast today!!! Kinders were dressed up in cute costumes and were really proud! By the end of the day, they were all exhausted... Thanks to all who sent a treat for our little ones!

Monday, October 29, 2012


We will have a little Halloween party on Wednesday, October 31st. Students are invited to wear their costumes (no masks or swords, please), or dress in orange and black, if they like.

Please feel free to send in a small, nut-free treat for your child to share with the class.


Wow... What a busy day!

We had a busy and fun filled Monday!

We started our inquiry about pumpkins today. We read a book called Pumpkin, Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington to learn about the life cycle of a pumpkin.

We transformed our dramatic play area into a "Farmer's Market". Students and I created a list of items that were needed for our market. We found some items in our classroom and we borrowed some items from Mrs. Cox room. Some students helped Mrs. Melissa to change our doctor's clinic to a farmer's market. Some students helped make signs and some made fruits and vegetables out of Plasticine.

During our math time, we estimated and measured three of our pumpkins. We ordered them from heaviest to lightest. From tallest to shortest. We even measured their circumference using linking chains and measuring tape.

During our last block, our Grade 7 Math Buddies from Mrs. Erola's class helped us compose and decompose number 5.

 They also helped us carve 7 pumpkins. 

Check out some of our creations!!!


Friday, October 26, 2012

Read Aloud ~ Scaredy Squirrel

On Monday, we read Scaredy Squirrel makes a friend by Melanie Watt. To activate prior knowledge, I asked my friends to answer these questions, What are we scared of/not scared of? What makes a good friend? 

During the first read, I asked these three questions: 

  1. Do you think a fish would be a perfect friend? Why or why not?
  2. I wonder why Scaredy needs all those things. What do you think?
  3. What do you think might happen with the dog?
"Big Idea" Question: Discuss with a buddy the question, Which do you think would make a better friend, a fish or a dog?

Some suggested fish and some dog. It was amazing to hear them speak about what makes a good friend. 

You can do the same at home while reading any book. Choose 2 or three events of importance and pose higher order thinking questions... such as: What do you think will happen if..., I wonder why..., What are your thoughts about..., etc.


World's Oldest Marathon Runner Visits Room 8!

On Monday, October 15, we had a pleasure of welcoming the oldest marathon runner, Mr. Fauja Singh, a 101-year old resident of London, England, to our kindergarten classroom. Mr. Singh was here in Ottawa to meet with our Prime Minister and Governor General. Mr. Singh started his career as a marathon runner at the age of 89. He has completed nine marathons including his most recent accomplishment of running the London Marathon in April 2012. Mr. Singh also carried the Olympic torch as part of the London Olympics.

Big thanks to Mrs. Uppal (Kirpa's mom) for this wonderful treat!


Mrs. J

Monday, October 15, 2012

My apologies!

I want to apologies for not being able to post anything for a long time ...

I promise, I will try my best to keep you posted!


Mrs. J

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Terry Fox Run at CHPS-Thursday Sept. 27

A loonie or toonie donation for Terry Fox

Terry Fox is an important person in Canadian History. His Marathon of Hope has raised over $400 million for Cancer ResearchThis year, the staff and students of Carleton Heights P.S. will participate in a Terry Fox Run on Thursday, September 27 from 9:15am – 10:30am. The students and staff will be running on a circuit around the school grounds. 

A donation of a loonie or toonie (or more) would be appreciated to help us raise funds to help the Terry Fox Foundation. The students can bring in their donations starting Monday, September 24 through Friday, Sept 27 (the day after the run). We are looking forward with anticipation to participate in this Canada Wide activity and raising some money to help find a cure for cancer.

We are very proud to be associated with the Terry Fox Foundation and believe that our involvement will fit in nicely with our focus on character education. Terry Fox certainly modeled the following values: heroism, strength, perseverance, courage, determination, integrity and most of all hope.
 Thank-you for your support,
Mrs. Jawed

Sunday, September 23, 2012

CHPS School Council Meeting

Our first CHPS School Council meeting of the year will take place at 6:45pm on Thursday, September 27th in the school’s Faculty Lounge. In order to help as many parents as possible join us for this first (brief) meeting, Grade 8 students will be in the library and are available to help care for any younger students.  Here's to hoping that you can join us!

Information about Meet The Staff...

Our Meet-the-Staff / Welcome Back Barbeque will be proceeding on Thursday, September 27th from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. There will be a plenary welcome session in the gymnasium with information about our School Improvement Plan and an opportunity to meet many members of our staff team.  For more information click here

Meet the Staff Invitation.

Two weeks of learning and having fun!

Over the past two weeks, we have been very busy!

We are learning and practicing our daily routines.
As part of our entry routine children sign in or clip their names under our survey question. For example, "Do you have a letter "Aa" in your name? Yes/No. We talk about the response during our math time.

Students are not only practicing to write their own names, but they are also practicing to write their friends names.

During our math we read and acted out Five Little Monkeys by Eileen Christelow. As the follow up activity we constructed and deconstructed number 5. Some students took one step further and are trying to count by fives.

We visited gym for the first time and had lots of fun there!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Week of School!!

We had a fantastic first week of school! We made friends and took our first steps together towards Full Day Kindergarten. Here is a snapshot of how much fun we had!!!

Being creative!

We can write our names!

Math? On the first day of school? You Bet!!

 Patterning and sorting with math manipulative...

Play based learning!

Problem-solving with puzzles...

Problem solving, building and sharing with blocks...

Puppet Show!

Behind the scene...

Dramatic Play Center!

Smile you are on camera!

 Taking notes of the events...


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