Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Room 8 celebrates World Read Aloud Day!

To celebrate World Read Aloud day, our Office administrator, Karen McKendry and our Principal, Mr. Canham read their favourite books to our friends, in Room 8.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 6th... World Read Aloud Day!

Join the Global Literacy Movement and read it forward! Do your part to help reduce illiteracy by reading aloud, donating a book, or by taking any other action to show the world that reading and writing is not a privilege but a right that belongs to each and every citizen of the world.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Planning, predicting, observing, and concluding...

Since couple of weeks, our little scientists in Room 8 have been exploring primary colours. Today I had food colouring out and asked interested curious minds what would they like to do with the materials at hand. They suggested we mix colours and make new colours. I told them that they were scientists and scientists follow a procedure when they are experimenting and researching. So my friends got to work! They planned how they are going to conduct the experiment. Then predicted what will happen, next they put their plan into action. They observe what happened and made their claims and conclusions based on their observation!

We also used paint to make secondary colours following the same scientific procedure.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Carleton Heights goes global!

As you might know that you can receive Carleton Heights' newsletter and updates by subscribing to our school's email list. Now Carleton Heights has taken one more step towards going global. You can now follow us on twitter as well!


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Wash, wash, wash your hands!

In health, we are learning about healthy living. We had our school nurse come in to talk about how to wash our hands and how for how long to keep those germs away. Students were given a lotion that helped them see how they did with washing their hands. Students washed their hands with soap and water, then they had to put their hands in the glow in the dark machine to see if they did a good job of washing their hands or not.

Collages with Reading buddies...

Our friends had lots of fun gluing and pasting scrap papers to make wonderful piece of art with their reading buddies! Their big friends helped and guided them to create their own collages. Thanks to everyone who send in the scrap papers, we greatly appreciate it!

Music with Mrs. Melissa!!!

On Friday, students played "Row, row, row your boat" using different instruments with Mrs. Melissa.


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